Friday, October 30, 2020
Along the 113.3 km Savona - Ventimiglia section (Section A10) under the responsibility of Autostrada dei Fiori S.p.A., NBI S.p.A. has completed the plant upgrading of 14 tunnels with a length of more than 500 meters as required by Legislative Decree 264 of 2006 on safety.
With a value of approximately 8 million euros, the contract, which guaranteed the contracting authority the plant adaptation of the tunnels subject to the intervention in advance of 210 days out of the 800 planned based on the tender, was carried out in a temporary grouping of companies with NBI as parent company (62.52%) and Tecnositaf SpA (37.48%) as principal.
The safety systems implemented in the tunnels of the A10 motorway have the following equipment: emergency stations (SOS + fire extinguishers), signs, emergency exits, communication systems, safety cooling measurement, tunnel closure systems, fire detection system, lighting system evacuation, supervision and control system, atmospheric monitoring system, electrical substation interventions.
For this contract, NBI also carried out all the civil works necessary for the safety adaptation of the tunnels and took care of both procurement and subcontracting activities. Finally, he took care of the ongoing tests, the detailed design and the As Built.